March Musings

I haven't posted here in a month...It has been a month of there is a lot on my mind.
I guess we're done with Covid...? Masks? Boosters?
Amazon announced they are closing their Seattle office because of crime...
Someone gets attacked every day in my hometown of NYC...on the streets...or in the subway...or now in a museum...
And then of course there are the horrors of Ukraine...the sites my daughter and I visited weeks before the obliterated...friends in hiding and leaving their country...I am riveted to the television...I can't believe what we all are watching...and that it is 2022 and it is happening...
And Human Rights Watch chronicles the violations and atrocities that occur every day around the world...

So I just didn't feel like posting something banal about the "Great Resignation" - because everyone in media is now an expert - and they have finally "cracked the code" on the reasons why people are unhappy at work and leaving their jobs...the truth is there is nothing new here...if that was a mystery to you...if you think what people want is "new" - then you either haven't been paying attention or you are new to this - but this is not new...according to every survey most people have always been unhappy at work; because of feckless, self-important managers; work without meaning; the struggles balancing personal and professional make ends meet...and then when you add that we've all experienced a two-year global existential crisis...well...more people have more opportunity now to finally say "Take This Job and Shove It"...which was written nearly 50 years ago...just sayin'.

Which leads me to Spring Break - an annual ritual that is also not new - but one I have a new appreciation for this year...
With spring break season officially underway in the US - now more than ever I understand the excessive, uninhibited partying...the need to let loose and escape...when you consider the insanity of the reality in which our youth have had to live these past two years...and with everything going on I get it this year more than ever!

But PLEASE...remind everyone to "spring break" responsibly...carefully...safely. We already have 6 West Point Cadets "spring breaking" in the hospital ODing on Fentynol laced cocaine...and tens of thousands of the next generation dying each year of similar overdoses...

You can let loose without being reckless. Take care of each other...not advantage of each other. You can have fun, be respectful, responsible...and stay alive...all at the same time...

Happy National Women's History Month everyone. When I think about the positive influences in my life -- they have mostly been women. Thank you. I would not be here without you.
I'm not looking for "likes" - just pay it forward. Thanks.